Day 3 – Ask Away!

James 1:5 (NLT) [bible-link v=”James+1%3A5&version=NLV” c=”light”]

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.

I think this verse begs the question – how do we see God?

Do we see Him as our coach or our critic?
Do we see Him as our advocate or our accuser?
Do we see Him as our friend or our foe?

The way we see God will determine what we approach Him about and if we even approach Him at all!

If we think He’s just the enforcer of rules, it’s unlikely we are going to come to Him with our needs and ask for help.

By His grace, if we understand He’s our good Father, who wants to do everything He can to help us have the abundant life He promised us, we will feel the freedom and boldness to approach Him about everything in our lives.

God is a generous God, who gives good gifts, abundantly. He will not rebuke you for asking for something He knows you don’t have, but need, to fulfil the purposes He’s got for your life.

You and I can ask Him today for wisdom to navigate this season, and all seasons in our lives.

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