Day 2 – The Civy

Proverbs 17:17 (NLT) [bible-link v=”Proverbs+17%3A17&version=NLT” c=”light”]

A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need.

Whenever we have staff meetings, one of our team members receives ‘The Civy Award’. This award highlights the efforts of someone who has gone above and beyond the call of duty in the team. They are given a gold plastic garland head piece that they must wear for the duration of the meeting. It’s a whole lot of fun.

The garland was originally known as the ‘The Civic Crown’. It was presented to Roman citizens who saved the life of a fellow citizen in peril.

I love what the crown represents. Not only does it carry the name of our church, but it means for you and for me, that if I saw someone from my hometown, my neighbourhood or my community in a time of need, I would do what I could to assist that person.

Even though I may not know that person very well, simply because they are part of my community, they are part of me and I want to help.

Imagine what community would look like if whenever we saw someone in need, simply because they were a part of the community, they knew they had people loyally standing with them in times of adversity and hardship.

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Sunday Night: 6pm Last Sunday of each month