Day 9 – Sparks Will Fly

Proverbs 27:17 (NLT) [bible-link v=”Proverbs+27%3A17&version=NLT”]

As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.

When I consider this proverb, I think it’s often overlooked that when you sharpen iron, be it a sword or some other kind of weapon, there will naturally be sparks. Sparks can indicate tension, growth, confrontation and honesty in any relationship, friendship or community.

I’ve always said that a real friend should have the ability to toughen you up, cheer you up and sharpen you up. Who we align ourselves with as friends has direct and significant impact on our lives. 

Let me encourage you today to seek out friends that are fun, honest and are ready to have tough conversations with you. You will be a better person for it and so will they.

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